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Student's Guide

Publicado: Sexta, 27 de Abril de 2018, 11h35 | Última atualização em Quarta, 16 de Janeiro de 2019, 18h02 | Acessos: 2049

 The Missiles and Rockets Field Artillery

Center of Instruction



The Missiles and Rockets Field Artillery Center of Instruction has the satisfaction of receiving you as a student. This guide contains information about the Unit, its activities and the city of Formosa.
The Commander of the Center, the instructors and other companions wish you success in the course and put themselves at your disposal to solve any doubt.


1. History of the Missiles and Rockets Field Artillery Center of Instruction

The Brazilian Army acquired in the 1990s five ASTROS II Multiple Rocket Launcher System Batteries to modernize its field and coastal artillery. The material was distributed in the National Territory as follows:

- 1ª Bateria LMF, Brasília - DF;
- 3ª Bateria LMF, Cruz Alta - RS;
- 1ª Bateria do 10º GACosM, Macaé - RJ;
- 6º GACosM, Praia Grande - SP; and
- 8º GACosM, Niterói - RJ.

Subsequently, the Army saw the need to centralize the ASTROS II material in a place that facilitated its maintenance, its employment, and the crew’s instruction, as well as having a wide field of fire. It was decided in September 24, 2004, to transform the 6th GACosM into 6th GLMF/CIF. The remaining military organizations, holders of the ASTROS II material, were extinguished and all material was concentrated in this new Unit, which was transferred to the city of Formosa, Goiás. The material high capacity, allied to its high technology, brought the necessity to create a Center of Instruction that could prepare the human resources to operate such a complex and modern artillery material. In this way, the Army Chief of Staff, approved in March 28, 2007, the implementation of the Field Artillery Rockets Center of Instruction, and was started its implementation linked to the 6º GLMF/CIF. On April 11, 2014, the Unit was created and activated with the denomination of Missiles and Rockets Field Artillery Center of Instruction. On August 21, 2017, the Army Chief of Staff activated the Unit and the Army Commander appointed its first Commander. The Unit occupied its new facilities at Fort Santa Bárbara in the beginning of 2018.

First appointed commander inspecting the Center of Instruction troops



2. Mission of the Missiles and Rockets Field Artillery Center of Instruction

The Missiles and Rockets Field Artillery Center of Instruction has the mission to specialize human resources in the missiles and rockets system employment and logistics, contributing to the formulation of its employment doctrine in the Brazilian Army Field Artillery.



3. The ASTROS System

The history of this Instruction Center is also related to the ASTROS System, acronym for Artillery Saturation Rocket System. In the 1980s, President of Iraq Saddam Hussein commissioned AVIBRAS a system of multiple rocket launchers. AVIBRAS is a company that belongs to the national defense industry and produces survey rocket systems and weapons for the defense industry. At that time, the company developed the ASTROS System, which, financed by Saddam Hussein, was produced in series in 1983 and delivered to Iraq, having been widely used in the war against Iran. Later, in the 1990s, the ASTROS System was used in the Persian Gulf War, being one of the Iraqi weapons most feared by the US-led coalition and therefore considered a high priority target.

ASTROS been employed in the Persian Gulf War


4. ASTROS 2020 Program

Brazil is moving towards to be an important nation, with an increasing projection in the international context, either by the strength of its economy, with a focus on the dimensions of its territory and the greatness of its riches, or by its natural regional leadership in the South American continent. These characteristics requires Brazil to have structured Armed Forces, equipped, trained, and with a great dissuasion firepower that could support its sovereign decisions in the international forums.

In the Transformation Process under development in the Army, eleven new capacities were listed, with emphasis on extra regional deterrence. Of the various strategies to reach this capacity, it is emphasized that the Army has to possess a high precision long-range fire support system. In order to accomplish this strategy, the Army Commander determined the start of the ASTROS 2020 Strategic Program in order to provide the Army a long-range fire support system. Started in 2012 and programmed to end in 2023, the ASTROS 2020 Program includes in its scope: research and development projects, the acquisition and modernization of ASTROS vehicles and the military organizations installations construction.

The ASTROS 2020 is a multi-caliber system, with high mobility and capable of launching rockets at a long range, designed as a strategic weapon system with great deterrent power. Currently, the Brazilian Army has at its disposal the SS-30, SS-40, SS-60 and SS-80 family of rockets. This allows the field artillery to saturate large areas at a distance ranging from 10 to 90 kilometers at sea level. It also has the SS-09 TS training rocket, a signaling rocket that reduces the cost to train the ASTROS crews during real exercises. In addition to the presented weapons, the AVIBRAS is developing, under the ASTROS 2020 Strategic Program, the SS-40 Guided Rocket, whose guiding capacity aims to reduce by half the Circular Error Probable (CEP) of the conventional rocket and the Tactical Cruise Missile with a range of 300 kilometers.

ASTROS 2020 Vehicles

The Research and Development area contemplates the Tactical Cruise Missile and Guided Rocket development. It also contemplates virtual and constructive simulation systems. The army is also modernizing the ASTROS II operated by de 6º GMF Battalion to the newest version and buying another next generation Battalion, complete, with all subsystems. The ASTROS 2020 Strategic Program participates in the national development promoting the Defense Industrial Base, and generating more than 7,000 direct and indirect jobs in the science, technology and engineering areas, as well as inserting the academic environment in defense matters.



5. Organization of the Missiles and Rockets Field Artillery Instruction Center

The Missiles and Rockets Field Artillery Instruction Center is a military organization subordinated to the “Planalto” Military Command. It is linked to the Education and Culture Department and for Preparation and Employment to the Terrestrial Operations Command. In the future, it will integrate the Field Artillery Army Command.
The Center is organized as follows:

 Administrative and Teaching Support Section
– Personnel Section;
– Intelligence and Operations Section;
– Administrative Section;
– Teaching Support Section;
– Information Technology Section;
– Command Support Section;
Teaching Division
– Technical Teaching Section;
– Planning Section;
– Teaching Section A (OEArt Msl Fgt);
– Teaching Section B (Op Sis Msl Fgt);
– Teaching Section C (Mnt Sis Msl Fgt);
– Teaching Section D (EAD);
– Teaching Section E (Target Acquisition); and,
– International Courses Section.
Research and Doctrine Division
– Doctrine Section; and,
– Research Section.
Simulation Division
– Virtual Simulation Section; and,
– CBT Section.
 Student’s Division
– Personnel Section; and,
– Support Section.

Instruction Center mockup

6. Courses taught in the Missiles and Rockets Field Artillery Instruction Center

- Missiles and Rockets System Planning and Employment Course, for Staff Officers;
- Missiles and Rockets System Organization, Preparation and Employment Course, for Captains;
- Missiles and Rockets System Operation Course, for Officers;
- Missiles and Rockets System Maintenance Course, for Logistics and Engineers Officers;
- Missiles and Rockets System Operation International Course, for Officers and NCOs from allied nations that operates the ASTROS;
- Missiles and Rockets System Operation Course, for Military Academy Cadets;
- Missiles and Rockets System Operation Course, for Temporary Field Artillery Officers;
- Missiles and Rockets System Operation Course, for NCOs (Sergeants);
- Missiles and Rockets System Operation Course, for Temporary Field Artillery NCOs (Sergeants);
- Missiles and Rockets System Electronic Maintenance Course, for NCOs;
- Missiles and Rockets System Mechanic Maintenance Course, for NCOs; and,
- Ballistic Meteorology Course, for NCOs.

7. Other Information

Accommodations Housing is available to all students of all courses. The Instruction Center offers dorms, bathrooms, study rooms and internet access.

Meals are held in the 6th GMF meal room. Students are required to fulfill a form to inform if they want to eat. Meals will not be charged to the students. The meal schedule is scheduled according to the instructional plan.

Instruction is conducted in classrooms, simulation rooms and on the terrain. Activities, in principle, will start at 0800H and end at 1630H from Monday to Friday, with short breaks between class times and a large break for lunch. Military Physical Training is planned according to the Weekly Work Table.

The city of Formosa.
Historical and geographical aspects
The city of Formosa is a municipality of the East of Goiás, distant 282 kilometers of the state capital, Goiânia, and 80 kilometers of the Federal Capital, Brasília. Its history dates back to the time of the “bandeirantes”, who entered the region in search of gold and other precious metals. Once the mineral possibilities were exhausted, the ancient settlement became a point of passage for the “tropeiros” between the empty lands of Bahia and Minas Gerais and the captaincy of São Paulo and the mines of Goiás. The first name of the settlement was “Arraial dos Couros”. It was elevated to the category of village with the name of Villa Formosa of the Empress in the year of 1843, in honor of the Empress Dona Teresa Cristina, being later denominated city of Formosa with the advent of the Republic. It has an area of approximately 6,000 km² and a population of 114,000 inhabitants, most of which live in the Rural Area. It is located at approximately 900 meters of altitude in relation to the level of the sea. The predominant climate is Tropical Seasonal, with hot, humid summers with high rainfall and dry and mild winters. The average annual temperature is 22.6ºC.

Position of Formosa in relation to the State of Goiás, the Federal District and Brazil

The UNDP Human Development Index is 0.744, considered high. Its economy is based on farming, and the city of Formosa is an important producer of legumes such as soybeans and beans and cereals such as corn. The city is also known for its traditional beef production. The service sector is in accordance with a city of 100 thousand inhabitants and plays an important role in the local economy. Formosa is also considered an important furniture center in eastern Goiás. The urban transportation system has municipal buses, taxi and moto-taxi. The city has an intercity / state bus station in its center that has daily buses to the main cities of Goiás and the Federal District. There is an airport that is used by private companies, not being served by regular regional aviation lines. The main access road to the city is the Highway BR 020, which unites the Federal District to the city of Fortaleza and has an extension of 2038 km in its route. On its E-SW, sense unites the cities of Formosa and Brasília, with an extension of approximately 80 kilometers of duplicated road with good pavement. The access to Formosa can also be done using the Brasilia International Airport, which has a public transport system that connects it with the Brasília Bus Station, which has direct transportation to the Formosa Bus Station. The city has a cinema and the main commercial area is located in the Center, near the City Hall and the Catholic Diocesan Cathedral. Important commercial avenues are “Avenida Brasília” and “Lagoa Feia”.

Catholic Diocesan Cathedral

Tourism and sports.
The municipality of Formosa is a region privileged by the nature. The city is located in the Brazilian Central Plateau and for this reason is endowed with numerous waterfalls, wells, rivers springs and “chapadas”. Besides the proximity to the Federal District and the tourist possibilities of the city of Brasília, the city of Formosa is less than 200 kilometers from the beautiful “Chapada dos Veadeiros” and its National Park. Despite the great tourist attractions on its surroundings, Formosa has the eighth largest waterfall in Brazil, “Salto do Itiquira”, with its impressive 168 meters of uninterrupted fall. With a Municipal Park, restaurants and a health resort, Salto do Itiquira is only 35 kilometers from the Center of Formosa and a state highway easily does the access.


Other tourist attractions of the city are the majestic “Buraco das Araras”, a collapse cave that is 105 meters deep and 295 wide, the beautiful “Poço Azul”, the Archaeological Site of the “Toca da Onça”, with its Neolithic figures, and the “Lagoa Feia” lake. The most important and traditional attraction of the city is the Feast of the Divine Holy Spirit, which takes place every year during the solemnity of Pentecost, 50 days after Easter. The city mobilizes to the party where people wear the red color and adorn their streets and houses. In the area of sports, the city of Formosa is known for being one of the best Brazilian places for free flight and skydiving. In addition, it has numerous cyclists, hosting several regional mountain biking competitions.

The city has two large hospitals: the Municipal Hospital (public), and the São Camilo Hospital (private). In addition, it has numerous medical clinics and laboratories and in emergencies is served by SAMU through the telephone 192 and by the Fire Department by telephone 193. The Santa Bárbara Fort has a Medical Post with doctors and dentists.

Welcome to the Missiles and Rockets Field Artillery Center of Instruction!
Success and faith on your mission!
Adress and contact:
C I Art Msl Fgt – Divisão de Alunos
Rodovia BR 020, Km 07. Village. Caixa Postal 147, Sala A.
Formosa – GO
Phone: (61) 20351258 e 20351257
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